Heather Holley
Heather Holley is one of the most talented producer/songwriters I know. She shines particularly in the developmental stage of a young artist, where she has the unique ability to reach inside, discover, and pull out the true essence of the artist on all levels, from the sound of the music, to the artist's image and stage presence. I've experienced that magic first hand, and watched her do it successfully with countless others. Its an inspiring thing to witness, and I would not be who I am today without her.
-Holly Brook aka Skylar Grey
Recording an album can be both the most exciting and most frustrating artistic process...or so I soon learned as I dove into creating my first record; but I had the guidance, encouragement and support of a brilliant producer who took the time to help me explore and find my unique style and sound as an artist. In today's world of the music industry, it's rare that you find someone who genuinely cares to get you to express you, which is exactly what producer Heather Holley did for me. Heather works tirelessly and patiently to bring the absolute best performance out of me and any artist she works with. She provided the confidence I needed to develop my own style and sound and get to the next level. She always believed in me, even in times when I didn't. It was an incredible journey and learning experience to work with such a beautiful and passionate producer, mentor and friend as Heather Holley.
- Margot
"Working with Heather Holley has been a dream come true, life-changing experience. Not only has she taken my singing and songwriting to such a higher level, but she also helped me find myself as an artist, and discover my own unique sound. The music and work I've done with Heather has garnered me thrilling opportunities in my career, and I am so grateful to her. I can't wait to continue our musical collaboration for years and years to come."
-Alexandra Monir
"I have never doubted Heather Marie Holley as an undercover, magically-gifted-fairy-goddess... Although she is disguised as a homo sapien, badass music-producer, her magical powers always seep through!"
-Katie Costello
When we first learned of our daughter Gabriella's unique talent for writing songs at the age of 12, we were unsure of what do to with her gift. Our choices were to guide her to a professional career at that young age, as she desired, or to put things on hold until she was older and finished with high school. Ultimately, we understood that her talent was worth developing sooner rather than later and that her music should be shared with others.
We were fearful, however, of involving Gabriella in the music industry, which doesn't have an outstanding reputation for being kind to new artists, especialy young female artists. Fortunately, our fears were allayed when we were introduced to the production team of Heather Holley and Rob Hoffman through a mutual friend.
Gabriella describes working with Heather and Rob on her debut EP as a magical experience. They treated our family with genuine respect and kindness from our first meeting to the final recording session, and have become the benchmark by which we compare others we come in contact with in the industry. And three years later, only a few have met that standard.
In short, we not only ended up with a professional, high-quality EP that opened important doors for our daughter's musical career, but we also gained a friendship with Heather and Rob that continues today. We frequently call on them for opinions and advice as we navigate this business, and we are indeed glad that we made this important connection as Gabriella embarked on her career.
-John Cihomsky, father of singer/songwriter Gabriella